Current Management Minute

Management Minute - February 2019 (noun)

  1. a free monthly email designed to help you improve your workplace excellence, with the latest industry news, trends, advice, and more

How to stop overthinking your decisions

by Lisa Evans Fast Company

What’s the one thing on your plate that you’ve been putting off making a decision on? Whether it’s a simple decision such as choosing which duct-cleaning company to hire or a more complex one such as whether to accept a new job offer, sitting on a decision can make you feel like you’re paralyzed. If you obsess over decisions, try one of these strategies.

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Why You Should Take Notes By Hand

by David Burkus

Whether you’re in a meeting, or a training session, or a lecture trying to remember information, the most used method for retention is taking notes. And technology continues to present us with more and more options for note taking. But it turns out none of these methods have created an advantage on good old-fashioned paper and pen (or pencil... or quill).

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There are now 5 generations in the workforce – can they work together?

by Richard Bailey Fast Company

With people living longer and retiring later just as younger generations are taking their first jobs, five generations now coexist in the workplace. For businesses, this presents an opportunity to drive innovation through the extensive amount of wisdom and fresh perspective in their midst.

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