Current Management Minute

Management Minute - March 2019 (noun)

  1. a free monthly email designed to help you improve your workplace excellence, with the latest industry news, trends, advice, and more

6 ways to fake confidence when you feel insecure

by Judith Humphrey Fast Company

Most of us have heard about “power posing” and the art of faking confidence. Harvard Professor Amy Cuddy popularized this notion and even argues that by faking it, you can make yourself feel strong and powerful. If you’re feeling nervous, try the following six techniques to create the illusion of confidence.

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5 irrational thinking patterns that could be dragging you down, and how to challenge them

by Joan Rosenberg

If you’d like to see the ways your mind is leading you astray, it’s not enough to look at what you’re thinking. You need to examine how you’re thinking, too. Psychologist Joan Rosenberg names five faulty thinking patterns and tells how you can start to change them.

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You are probably making one of these 7 mistakes in your everyday speech

by Judith Humphrey Fast Company

Wherever you are – whoever you’re with – your spontaneous words matter. They define your personal brand and professional image. It’s a good idea, therefore, to master off-the-cuff speaking and avoid the typical traps that so many of us fall into. Read the seven deadly sins of impromptu speaking.

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