Current Management Minute

Management Minute - January 2021

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How to Make Goals and Accountabilities Clear to Your Team

by LSA Global TeamLSA Global Blog

Effective goals provide clarity, focus, motivation, and accountability. Goals that are too difficult create employee disengagement; goals that are too easy do not motivate maximum effort or higher levels of performance. To set effective team goals, ensure they have these characteristics.

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Is Emotional Intelligence the Key to Effective Change Management?

by Marjorie DervenAssociation for Talent Development

As leaders in the learning and talent development field, EQ is essential to how we help others cope with change. EQ provides us with awareness of others’ responses and helps us to more effectively judge where our interventions are proving effective – or where they are missing the mark.

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So, You Want To Become an Ally: A Personal Perspective

by Cranla Warren Ph.D.
Institute for Health and Human Potential Blog

So, you want to become an ally. It will require you to suspend judgement and to get real about the systemic inequalities that have existed for millennia. It also requires diving into discomfort as you dig into your own privilege. Still interested? Read on.

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