Best of Management Minute

The Best of Management Minute (noun)

  1. the finest selection of industry news, trends, advice and more, from the past year of Management Minute, WATMEC’s monthly email designed to help you improve your workplace excellence

Eight Things Successful People Do

by Nicolas Cole

It all comes down to priorities. Success is a game of habits. In itself, "success" is a relative term and so its "achievement" is fully dependent upon the habits you put into place that move you step by step toward the "end" you define for yourself.

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Decision Making Strategies for Success

by Jae-ann Rock Mentor Tech Group

The number one reason for not accomplishing success in life is indecision and procrastination. Which is exactly why the ability to make decisions is a critical attribute of most successful business people. But, how do successful leaders avoid common decision traps of “analysis paralysis,” or fear of making the WRONG decision which can result in NO decision at all?

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Why ideas matter now more than ever

by Chris Anderson

I’m a Brit. But also a global soul. It’s a core part of my identity. Last week’s Brexit vote made me feel as if my heart was being ripped out; as if an idea I believed in to my core was being trampled on.

For the past few years, a lot of us have wanted to believe that most humans were gradually expanding their circle of empathy. That instead of our instinctive “us/them” labels, we have...

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Six Values Millennials Look for in an Employer


As millennials flood the workforce, companies are seeing a massive drop in employee engagement - the lowest it’s been almost a decade. Why? Twenty-first century employees have shorter attention spans, they consume content all-the-time and on-the-go, and most importantly, won’t hesitate to leave an employer they’re dissatisfied with. In fact, 60% of millennials stay at a job for less than three years - and replacing them costs companies billions annually.

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